
A.A.A All The Lost Children

Message to volunteers

Advocates for Abandoned Adolescents sincerly thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer. For the hearts, minds and spirits of volunteers create the living force, the pulse of any progressive social movement, So we need you today and of tomorrow need you.

We are currently looking for serious minded people to zealously embrace state coordinator postiions. One per state. Coordinators are responsible for:
1. Raising awareness about the irresponsible juvenile justice laws and polices in their respective states.
2. Recruiting local/statewide volunteers
3. lead local/statewide volunteers in the creation f Advocate for Abandoned Adolescents(AAA) support programs for statewide incarcerated children in adult prisons.
4. Fundraising
5. Organize statewide volunteers in order to particiapte in the AAA national protest/march. (On all 50 state capitals in unison).

If you currently do not have enough spare time to devote into a state coordinator position, please go to Advocatesforabandonedadolescents.com and make a donation, and or help spread the word about AAA's mission. Thank you

The power to transform the irresponsible and oppresive juvenile justice laws across the nation lies within the hands of the people. through unity and organization we can successfully save the unlimited amount of children from the cold and harsh clutches of adult penitentiaries.

A.A.A. All The Lost Children

Advocates for Abandoned Adolescents - Our Mission is to do better!

If I Get Out Alive - Children Sentenced to Adult Prison - Press Play to Listen

Broken on all sides

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