
Davontae Sanford - Letter writing request

Amidst the confusion and media black out surrounding the case of Davontae Sanford we must never lose sight of the child caught in the middle. Whilst we wait in anticipation of news from a forth coming court date Davontae waits for the day he can finally go home. We must never forget that he is a child, with learning difficulties, I ask you to open your heart and send him a letter or card, let him know the world/society has not forgotten his fight, and that even though he can not see his supporters they are very much by his side during this ordeal.
The day we become immune to the incarceration and life sentences of children is indeed the day the world finally tuned cold, maybe hell has frozen over, I say ignite the freedom fighting fire and shout in a very loud voice - No more kids behind bars
[16:06:42] Rev Julie Cottingham: Davontae Sanford-684070 Michigan Reformatory Correctional Facility l342 West Main St. Ionia, MI 48846

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