
Torey Adamcik

Torey Michael Adamcik was convicted of first degree murder and conspiracy to commit first degree murder, despite the lack of any physical evidence linking him to the crime. Torey's Story - Introduction Torey had just turned sixteen years old and was looking forward to his junior year in high school. He was a fun loving, caring, and creative kid, who got along well with others, had no history of violence and no criminal record. He is well liked by his teachers and classmates. He loved movies and dreamed of going to film school. Read more about Torey Torey had recently met Brian Lee Draper in a class at school. Brian also liked movies and he and Torey were going to write a movie script together. They never got far with that, but six weeks into their friendship Brian began filming a video tape depicting two teenage killers. Torey participated thinking it was all an act. About the videotape On September 22, 2006, Brian murdered their friend and classmate, Cassie Jo Stoddart. Five days later Torey and Brian Lee Draper were both arrested and charged with first degree murder and conspiracy to commit first degree murder. Torey adamantly denies that he killed Cassie or had any knowledge that Brian was going to kill her. Brian has confessed. The DNA evidence supports Torey's story. Both boys were found guilty of both charges. Read more about the legal case. Get the facts. Unlike Torey, Brian had an extensive history of violence and depression, and had been planning to kill for at least two years. Read more about Brian Lee Draper. Please contact Toreys parents for all information on Torey's case and how to help. http://triedasadults.org/contact.html



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